Federal and State regulations

Client confidentiality is protected by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.  (HIPAA).   PathForward Counseling complies with all federal (HIPAA0 and state confidentiality regulations.  We will not release any information about you, unless requested by you.  If there is a need for us to release information, I understand that I will be provided a Release of Information form.   For clarity purposes, we will not acknowledge to anyone that you are a PathForward Counseling client nor that you have a scheduled appointment.  However, there are exceptions to federal confidentiality regulations.  HIPAA protects persons who are vulnerable.  The following is a list of the exceptions.   

Suicide/Self harm

Although we recognize depression is common and is sometimes addressed in therapy, if a client discloses a plan for suicide, PathForward Counseling is mandated by law to take necessary steps to insure safety of our clients.  We will make a concerted effort to contact family, however it may be necessary to contact the legal authorities as well.

Duty to Warn

Standard Confidentiality laws do not apply if a client indicates an intent to harm another person.  Mental Health Professionals are mandated by law to inform authorities and the intended victim. 


Child Abuse or neglect

Mental Health professionals are required by law to report suspected child abuse.  Children are vulnerable and have limited resources for self-protection.   Although we recognize that some people seek treatment for anger issues, protection of children is vital.  It is also mandated by law that we report any


Elderly Abuse

Elderly are high risk individuals and cannot effectively protect themselves against harm from others.  If there is evidence that you are abusing an elder, the authorities will be notified.  


I have read and understand the above-stated exceptions to confidentiality. I accept the consequences should PathForward Counseling need to take action regarding one of the stated exceptions.  I will not hold PathForward Counseling liable for following mandated laws.